Residence Hall Conduct Policy


Students residing in residence halls are expected to conduct themselves in manner such that others are not distracted from the pursuit of learning. The purpose of this policy to enhance the student experience in a residence hall and to establish standards of conduct for each student.


This policy applies to all Day Campus students residing in a residence hall at Columbia College.  


Students living in the residence halls are bound to the student code of conduct and related processes like all other students as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct Policy.

The Office of Student Conduct has the responsibility to address violations of the Student Code of Conduct. Violations of the campus code that occur in or around the residence halls are generally addressed by Residence Life staff members, who may act on behalf of the Office of Student Conduct. Failure to comply with request made by staff to meet with the student regarding a conduct violation may lead to disciplinary action for noncompliance.

Resident Bill of Rights

It should be noted that living in a residence hall is considered a privilege, and resident students may, in addition to other campus disciplinary actions, be removed from their residence hall for any violation when this action is warranted as determined by the Director of Residential Life and the Associate Dean and/or Dean for Student Affairs.

The purpose of the residence halls is to offer a living environment that will be an integral part of the total educational experience offered at Columbia College. The residence hall should provide an atmosphere that is conducive for studying as well as social interaction and interpersonal growth. As a member of the residence hall community, students have the following rights and responsibilities:

The right to...

  • a secure and safe residence hall space.
  • a reasonably peaceful and quiet space in which to sleep and study.
  • privacy and equal space in the room.
  • the assistance of Residential Life and other college staff members when needed.
  • know the rules of the residence halls.
  • a free exchange of ideas and opinions, on any subject in a civil and respectful manner.

The responsibility to...

  • keep the door to the room locked - do not prop doors open or let strangers in.
  • observe quiet and courtesy hours.
  • let a roommate know preferences about sleep, study and guests.
  • know and abide by the laws of the state of Missouri.
  • notify a staff person of problems and cooperate with them on solutions.
  • read and understand the Residence Hall Handbook.
  • carry their Columbia College ID while on campus.
  • regularly monitor personal Cougar Mail email account.

Role of Residential Life Staff

One role of residence hall staff is to promote the individual and group responsibility through positive community development and self-discipline. At times this requires staff to confront individuals and groups regarding inappropriate behavior. When a Resident Assistant or other staff member ask to speak with a student, that student is expected to respond to the call and/or knock, at a minimum, by stepping into the hallway within a reasonable period of time, then speaking with the staff member. Failure to comply with this request may lead to disciplinary action for noncompliance.

Assault, Abuse or Endangering Behaviors

Assault (including, but not limited to any physical or sexual act that is unsolicited or unwelcome) or abuse of another person is strictly prohibited. Examples of endangering behaviors include, but are not limited to physical altercations, throwing items from windows or balconies and wrestling or rough-housing in the halls. Students should also review the Title IX and Sexual Harassment Policy.


Students are required to comply with the directions of College officials and others doing their work in the residence halls (including emergency personnel, student staff, professional staff and Campus Safety Officers) acting in performance of their duties, including following emergency procedures (fire, tornado, emergency, etc.). Failure to comply with the requests of College officials, including student staff, will result in disciplinary action.


Students found responsible for malicious or careless damage to the property of the College will be sanctioned and pay restitution through the conduct process. If common areas in the residence halls are vandalized or College property is removed, staff members will work with the community responsible for the common area to address the incident and help them identify who is responsible. If the person(s) responsible is/are not identified, all residents of that community could be held collectively responsible for payment/restitution for the damage (examples include theft of or vandalism to artwork, furnishings, windows, fixtures, carpets, furniture, walls, etc.)

Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct

Residents should not engage in disruptive or disorderly conduct or lewd, indecent or obscene conduct or expression. This includes, but not limited to activities that are excessively noisy or otherwise disruptive to other residents. Pranks or practical jokes that change the appearance of the halls or living areas or that create a disruption for residents and/or staff are strictly prohibited. Participants in the planning or execution of pranks could be subject to disciplinary action, and students may be charged for any damages.

Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy

Students should review and comply with the Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy that encompasses all of Columbia College.