Fort Sill

Columbia College-Fort Sill has the distinct ability to provide services to students through its Educational Services Office.


Thrive with a flexible schedule

Online classes relocate if you do. We also offer in-seat classes at military venues across the country. See the Columbia College course schedule to find classes that work around your military duties.

Get ready for the next session

Columbia College class sessions last eight weeks and six sessions are available each year. The next CC session begins January 8, 2024 and the registration deadline for the following session is January 7, 2024.

No book costs. Plus, reduced tuition!

Columbia College now offers a special military-affiliated tuition for currently serving military members, and their spouses and dependents. Plus, books are provided at no cost!




4700 Mow-Way Rd
Suite 502
Fort Sill, OK 73503


(580) 353-8004


Bldg. 4700 Mon. - Fri.: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Bldg. 3281 Mon. - Thurs.: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.


What can I study?

Columbia College Global offers traditional classroom instruction for many courses at nationwide locations. Students at nationwide locations are expected to engage with multiple learning methods, including online and virtual while completing their degree. Not all degrees listed are available to students with F1 visa.

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Columbia College is a leader in higher education. We serve students on our residential campus, online and at more than 25 educational venues across the country. Our programs equip learners of all ages with the skills needed to succeed in the workforce of today and tomorrow.


Get started at Columbia College

  1. Complete the admission process

    Complete the application with proof of high school completion. An Enrollment Counselor can help you every step of the way.

  2. Connect with an academic advisor

    Once admitted, an academic advisor will help you make decisions about your major, coursework and career goals.

  3. Apply for financial aid

    Leverage scholarship opportunities or find out if you’re eligible for financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

  4. Transfer credit

    Transfer coursework, military training and licensures, and save time and money on your degree

  5. Register for classes

    Select your courses for the upcoming term


About Fort Sill

Columbia College-Fort Sill was established in 2007 to meet the needs of the personnel at one of the Army's largest installations. It also serves the civilian population in one of the state's most thriving and fastest growing cities.

Fort Sill is designated as a national historic landmark and is home to the U.S. Army Field Artillery and the Field Artillery Training Center. Fort Sill is at the forefront of tremendous technological advances and is steeped in natural, living history.

Columbia College-Fort Sill offers convenient courses to civilians and military learners, utilizing its national network and robust online program. An agreement with Central Texas College , also located at Fort Sill, provides students a seamless transition from an associate degree through a bachelor's degree at Columbia College. The college offers a unique educational opportunity to working adults through its diverse degree offerings and eight-week course format. Students take a mix of in-seat and online classes.

Start here

Apply for admission to take the first step toward earning your accredited degree.

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U.S. News and World Report Best Online Programs - Bachelor's Award 2019 (Columbia College)

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Important information

This section contains important information about Columbia College and the degree programs available to you in the state of Oklahoma.

Columbia College has an automated enrollment agreement process. Students who need to submit official versions of these forms may locate them in the CC secure site .

Oklahoma Enrollment Agreement